Art Therapy Interventions & Clinical Hypnotherapy
Recently I worked with and completed a project with world renowned Art Therapist Pamela Hayes. Based in Los Angeles, California, like me Pamela is also a trained Hypnotherapist and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT).
With her background in Hypnotherapy I was eager to work together and complete this project in Art Therapy. I wanted to see how together we could incorporate and marry these two therapeutic disciplines together, without taking away any of the strengths of either therapy, whilst at the same time creating a Superpower technique that incorporates the very best of both.
Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of expression and communication. Within this context, art is not used as diagnostic tool but as a medium to address emotional issues which may be confusing and distressing.
Art therapists work with children, young people, adults and the elderly. Clients may have a wide range of difficulties, disabilities or diagnoses. These include emotional, behavioural or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, life-limiting conditions, neurological conditions and physical illnesses.

Art therapy is a technique rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being.
People have been relying on the arts for communication, self-expression, and healing for thousands of years. But art therapy didn't start to become a formal program until the 1940s.
Different people will have different experiences of arts and creative therapies, but in general they aim to:
*allow you to communicate thoughts and feelings that you find difficult to put into words
*help you make sense of things and understand yourself better
*give you a safe time and place with someone who won't judge you
*help you find new ways to look at problems or difficult situations
*help you to talk about complicated feelings or difficult experiences
*give you a chance to connect with other people.
For thousands of years, cultures and religions around the world have incorporated the use of carved idols and charms, as well as sacred paintings and symbols, in the healing process. The establishment of art therapy as a unique and publicly accepted therapeutic approach only took place recently, in the mid-20th century. The emergence of art therapy as a profession arose independently and simultaneously in the United States and Europe.
The term “art therapy” was coined in 1942 by British artist Adrian Hill, who discovered the healthful benefits of painting and drawing while recovering from tuberculosis.
Margaret Naumburg, Hanna Kwaitkowska, Florence Cane, Edith Kramer, and Elinor Ulman were five influential writers of the 1940s who made significant contributions towards the development of art therapy as a recognised field.
Margaret Naumberg (May 14, 1890 – February 26, 1983) was an American psychologist, educator, artist, author and among the first major theoreticians of art therapy. Prior to working in art therapy, she founded the Walden School of New York City.
Hanna Kwaitkowska was a Polish ceramics sculptress, art therapist, and child and family psychiatrist. She was the first person to document and conduct research in family art therapy practices.
Florence Cane (September 28, 1882 – 1952) was a notable American art educator whose ideas influenced the field of art therapy.
Edith Kramer (1916–2014) was an Austrian social realist painter, a follower of psychoanalytic theory and an art therapy pioneer.
Elinor Ulman taught in the Art Therapy Program from 1971 to 1988 and was an honorary life member of the American Art Therapy Association. She was founder, editor and publisher of The Bulletin of Art Therapy (now The American Journal of Art Therapy).

Art therapy involves the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, colouring, or sculpting to help people express themselves artistically and examine the psychological and emotional undertones in their art. Clients can "decode" the nonverbal messages, symbols, and metaphors often found in these art forms, which should lead to a better understanding of their feelings and behaviour so they can move on to resolve deeper issues.
Clinical Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for the treatment and alleviation of a variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Hypnosis allows the subject to experience deep levels of relaxation and altered states. And so helps to reduce levels of stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, addiction, chronic pain, self-harm and suicidal tendencies.
Combining the two therapies is an exciting new project that I am working on, using Art Therapy Interventions within Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions.

Working with Pamela, what soon became apparent was that both therapies; art therapy and clinical hypnotherapy, have intricate and delicate nuances and niches within them, separate to the other. And yet these differences lend themselves to spark and completely enhance the other.
For example, very often at the start of a hypnotherapy session the client is taken to a safe place using hypnosis. They are guided by the Hypnotherapist, under hypnosis, to their safe place. And then the client can return to this safe place at any moment during the session when they may feel the need to feel more secure, protected, and safe.
And in Art Therapy the client is asked to draw their safe place.
A perfect way to start a session using the best of both therapies is as follows;
The client draws a safe Place
Guided visualisation of the Safe Place, based on the client’s drawing
With the help of the hypnotherapist the client visits their Safe Place during Hypnosis
The client can then use all of these three techniques themselves, after the session, at home.
Many of the techniques can only be used with the help of and under the guidance of a well-qualified and experienced art therapist and / or Clinical Hypnotherapist.
However, some of the techniques used in therapy sessions can be used safely and simply by the client once they return home.
The Art Therapy & Clinical Hypnotherapy project is ongoing and I will be excited to share more with you at a later date...
In the meantime get your crayons, paints, and colouring pencils at the ready!!
Have a go at drawing:
Your safe place
Your happy place
Your adventurous place
Thank you,
Rebecca Jones (M.A. Dip PCH)
Clinical Hypnotherapist | Consultant | Author
London | Manchester | Paris | New York

Rebecca Jones Clinical Hypnotherapy London Manchester UK NYC USA Worldwide

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The Happy Chemicals Inside Your Brain, & How to Find them!
Many of us are fortunate in that we have always been naturally happy and positive. However, many people are not. So why is it that some people are always a glass half full person, when others around them are not? Instead, why are some people always a glass half empty person, negative, and sad? When others always seem to be so very happy with their lot in life? And on a more serious level, why are some people suicidal, or suffer from anxiety, PTSD, trauma, or depression?
Clinical Hypnotherapy allows us to look at this in greater detail and to make the necessary changes if we want to be happier in life.
Neuroscience and neurochemistry show us how we can train our brain, learn how to reprogramme our brains easily, and to train our brains to make us happier, and to be happier every day, day in day out.
We can do this on a scientific level, using biochemistry, our brain chemistry, with our very own chemistry set which already exists inside our heads! We don’t need anything outside of us to do this. We can simply tap into the inside of our own heads to do it.
Read on to find out more...
Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system.
Neurochemistry is the study of chemicals that control and influence the physiology of the nervous system.
We have 2 brain systems; the limbic system, and the cortex;
The two brain systems;
The limbic system is a network of structures located below the cerebral cortex. It is associated with motivation, emotion, learning and memory. The limbic system is composed of 4 main parts; the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the thalamus, and the hippocampus. Stimulation of the limbic system can also trigger emotional behaviour such as aggression.
The cortex is the outer layer of the neural tissue of the cerebrum of the brain. The cerebral cortex is made of up highly packed neurons and is responsible for higher thought processes, including thinking, perceiving, sensation, memory, speech and decision-making. It is the most important part of the brain because it is what makes us human.
Your brain releases ‘Happy Chemicals’ which reward you with good feelings when you do something which your brain recognises or associates an action as something good for your survival.
There are 4 main ‘Happy Chemicals’. These are;
Endorphins; The pain-masking chemical linked to pain perception. Endorphins are Opioid Neuropeptides and peptide hormones. There are at least 20 types of endorphins in the body. Such neurotransmitters transmit electrical signals across synapses within the nervous system. They are linked to euphoria and determination. It promotes well-being and evolved for our survival. Laughing, crying, exercising (the runner’s high), and stretching all release this chemical. As does eating chilli peppers, chocolate, having a massage, and having sex. Endorphins are similar to opiate drugs such as morphine, but are in fact much stronger. The hypnothalamus requests the release of these hormones which have an analgesic effect in the body. Endorphins relieve pain, stress, and boost happiness.
Dopamine; The goal-achieving chemical. A neurotransmitter. Dopamine releases energy to help us achieve what we want in life. It is based on motivation. It is what motivates us. It is not only for the high-achievers in the world though. We all have it!! It is linked to the anticipation of happiness, rather than the actual feeling of happiness per se. It is linked to reward-motivated behaviour. Thus it is heavily linked to addictions. The dopamine released during a kiss has the same effect on the brain as taking heroin or cocaine. Moreover, Parkinson’s disease is one illness associated with a deficit in dopamine.
Serotonin; The Leadership chemical. A neurotransmitter. Serotonin is released when you feel safe and have a good level of self-respect. Ways to increase your levels of serotonin include enjoying being in the moment and where you are, as well as taking pride in your achievements and successes, no matter how big or small they are. Moreover, by learning to surrender control (as we can actually control very little in our lives – Life is unpredictable), and learning to react and respond appropriately to life’s events. Low levels of serotonin can lead to depression and anxiety, amongst other symptoms. Levels of serotonin can be increased by a healthy diet (including eggs, cheese, salmon, nuts & seeds), good sleep, Vitamin D and plenty of sunshine.
Oxytocin; The chemical of Love. It is responsible for feelings of affection and attachment. It is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland. It is released when people snuggle up or bond socially, as well as being released during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is associated with trust and belonging. If your trust has been betrayed, you will hold back which can leave you feeling like you don’t belong. One can build up more trust by being trustworthy oneself, having a pet and building rapport and connection, building trust with strangers, or even having a massage. These all stimulate the release of oxytocin.
However, oxytocin can also strengthen negative, painful or stressful social memories. This is one reason why childhood trauma and painful memories can live long into the future, well after the event itself.
By being more aware of our ‘Happy Chemicals’, and how to access them, we are able to increase and elevate them at will, and on demand, as and when we need them.
Using Clinical Hypnotherapy, we can reprogramme our unconscious minds to trigger and release these good feelings and chemicals naturally, thus avoiding the need to rely on external triggers such as drugs, medication, or other harmful substances and addictions in order to feel good and happy.
Clinical Hypnotherapy allows us to tap into our brains, and to discover and learn how to use these ‘happy chemicals’ more easily and readily in our everyday lives...

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Harley Street London & Deansgate Manchester UK | Hypnotherapy Therapy | Paul McKenna | Dr. Richard Bandler Rebecca Jones | Paris London Manchester New York | Worldwide Clinical Hypnotherapy | International Hypnosis | Harley Street Therapy Clinic London & Deansgate Manchester UK | Addiction Trauma Anxiety | Eating Disorders Acute Anxiety Depression OCD Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating Disorders Trauma PTSD Addiction Social Anxiety Disorders Panic Attacks Stress Mental Health Drugs Alcohol Addiction | Cocaine Heroin Methadone Opioid Drug Addiction | New Year 2020 | Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic | Manhattan | New York | USA | Worldwide

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Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA
Harley Street London & Deansgate Manchester UK | Hypnotherapy Therapy | Paul McKenna | Dr. Richard Bandler Rebecca Jones | Paris London Manchester New York | Worldwide Clinical Hypnotherapy | International Hypnosis | Harley Street Therapy Clinic London & Deansgate Manchester UK | Addiction Trauma Anxiety | Eating Disorders Acute Anxiety Depression OCD Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating Disorders Trauma PTSD Addiction Social Anxiety Disorders Panic Attacks Stress Mental Health Drugs Alcohol Addiction | Cocaine Heroin Methadone Opioid Drug Addiction | New Year 2020 | Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic | Manhattan | New York | USA | Worldwide

Harley Street London & Deansgate Manchester UK | Hypnotherapy Therapy | Paul McKenna | Dr. Richard Bandler Rebecca Jones | Paris London Manchester New York | Worldwide Clinical Hypnotherapy | International Hypnosis | Harley Street Therapy Clinic London & Deansgate Manchester UK | Addiction Trauma Anxiety | Eating Disorders Acute Anxiety Depression OCD Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating Disorders Trauma PTSD Addiction Social Anxiety Disorders Panic Attacks Stress Mental Health Drugs Alcohol Addiction | Cocaine Heroin Methadone Opioid Drug Addiction | New Year 2020 | Fifth Avenue Therapy Clinic | Manhattan | New York | USA | Worldwide

This Summer I'll be in Florida working with Dr. Richard Bandler...
My brilliant mentor & the best hypnotist / therapist / coach alive today!
He taught Tony Robbins, Paul McKenna & ME!
I am already part of Richard's & Paul's trusted staff team in London running seminars & training events for VIP clients.
And on my return I will be able to train & mentor YOU on their behalf, even when they are not in the room!
I will have not only their seal of approval & licences, but also their signature!
An epic & an amazing adventure awaits...
F2F | Clinic | Online
International Hypnotherapy
Paris | London | Manchester | New York | Worldwide
Check out the latest 5* Reviews & Testimonials here:
Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA

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International Hypnotherapy
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International Hypnotherapy
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This summer I'll be working in the States with Dr. Richard Bandler.....

This Summer I'll be working here with Dr. Bandler in Florida.
Florida is at the heart of Scientific Research, Neurology, & Human Brain Advancement Technologies (as well as NASA & the Space Program!). I have previously lived and worked in Kazakhstan for the United Nations - another Hotspot for scientific research, brain technologies, & space advancement. In fact, the first person in space, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the desert steppe of Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on April 12, 1961.

I'll be furthering my learning in Neurology, learning off the BEST of the BEST and studying hard! It's not going to be an easy ride - BUT if you really want something you have to work hard at it! You have to be committed! And most importantly, you have to GO for it!!
I'm looking forward to honing my skills even further as a hypnotist, a hypnotherapist, a Mentor for those facing incredible challenges and adventures ahead, and delving deeper into the world of neurology and brain science!

The Artemis program will send the first woman and the next man to the Moon by 2024 and develop a sustainable human presence on the Moon by 2028. The program takes its name from the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology.
I can't wait for the adventures ahead...
Watch this space...

Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA

Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA

This month I'll be sharing the 3 things that you can use daily, to change your life TODAY!
Watch this space...
Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA

Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA

Read more about Rebecca here:
Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA

Overcoming Addiction & Trauma; Psychotherapy Vs. Hypnotherapy.
Over recent years I have noticed that some of my clients are actually psychiatrists and psychotherapists. People who work in the same field as I do: Therapy.
And who have had countless hours of psychotherapy themselves for a variety of issues, as well as for their own professional development and regulated Supervision sessions.
I soon began to realise and thus question that if psychiatrists and psychotherapists were actively seeking out myself, a clinical hypnotherapist, then perhaps my own specialism and indeed hypnotherapy was able to offer something much more than they could offer themselves, and others, from their own field of therapy.
In addition to this, professionally, I have my own connections with two colleagues, both psychiatrists (one living in Norway, and the other in Sweden), who are now qualified hypnotherapists in their own rights, choosing the latter as their preferred form of therapy for treating their patients in their respective countries...
And so I decided to research the matter further and to delve deeper into this area to find out exactly why this is.
I came across an article in The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis entitled: ‘A Comparative Study of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Methadone Addicts’, (American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis Vol. 26, Issue 4).
The link to the full article may be found below.
I mostly work with clients suffering from such issues, my specialisms being addiction, trauma (PTSD), depression, and anxiety; and so knowing about this field meant that considering this comparison and study might help me explain, and thus inform the general public further, the benefits and differences between the two types of therapy.

The experiment consisted of a Control Group and an Experimental Group (the latter group receiving hypnotherapy). The conclusion to the study highlighted a far greater success rate for recovering drug addicts who had hypnotherapy, as opposed to those only receiving psychotherapy. The Hypnotherapy group experienced less pain, less discomfort, and had a significantly higher number of successful drug withdrawals at the 6 month follow up meeting / appointment (94%).
However, no real reason was given as to why this was the case.
Having been a clinical hypnotherapist for many years now, and having worked with hundreds of clients, my empirical evidence demonstrates 100% success, exactly in line with what the study proves.
However, as all good hypnotherapists know, legally, by law, I can never guarantee a client a 100% success, despite knowing this 100% success rate deep down to be the case.
So how do we as professionals inform the general public as to the benefits of hypnotherapy?
I work with clients from hospitals, residential & rehab centres, and also individuals and private clients recommended to me from their friends, family and colleagues all over the world.
And my belief is that the best way to inform people is by continued good practice, delivering client success, professionalism and integrity, and amazing, awe-inspiring results!
Changed and transformed lives speak much louder than anything else.
Later this year, I will be endeavouring to undertake my own research project to take this evidence and research one step further.
I do believe that scientific research and best practice is one way of enabling the general public to be adequately and accurately informed of the biological, neurological, mental, emotional, and physical effects, benefits, and outcomes of clinical hypnotherapy.
Illnesses, and related issues, such as addiction, trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression, can all be effectively treated and resolved, enabling people to get back onto the road of recovery towards a future of health, wellness, and mental well-being.
If you would like to find out more about my future research project, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you.
Rebecca Jones

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Think again...
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Be your own Superhero this year!

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What are you waiting for?
You have no time to waste...
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And see how Rebecca can help you...

I have worked successfully with many people, both men & women, teenagers, and very young children, who have suffered from a variety of mental health illnesses such as acute anxiety, an eating disorder, cocaine addiction, trauma, PTSD, OCD, depression, social phobia disorders & anxiety, severe trauma, drug & alcohol addictions, gambling addictions, and more... and who are now in full recovery.
I have also worked with clients who have been in The Priory Hospital, and also in the Maudsley Hospital in South London.
Help is available for you.
Is there something you have always wanted to be, do, or have?
I have worked successfully with hundreds of people now to either gain something more amazing in their life, and / or to get rid of something in their life that they don't want…
and more often than not, we do BOTH!
For example:
* Recover from a drug addiction and then make a decision to have a family
* Recover from a past traumatic experience & PTSD (e.g. War trauma) and then go to University to study & retrain
* Recover from a social anxiety disorder and then travel the world
My clients gain confidence in all areas of their life, not just in the issue area they came for...

Is there something you have always wanted to be, do, or have?
What are you waiting for?
You have no time to waste...
What would you like to achieve in 2019?
Scroll down and check out the 5* Reviews and testimonials.
And see how I can help you...
Addiction | Trauma | Anxiety | Specialist |

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Harley Street London & Deansgate Manchester | Hypnotherapy Therapy | Paul McKenna Dr. Richard Bandler Rebecca Jones | Paris London Manchester New York | Worldwide Clinical Hypnotherapy |International Hypnosis | Harley Street Therapy Clinic London W1 & Deansgate Manchester M3 | Eating Disorders Anxiety Depression OCD Anorexia Bulimia Binge Eating Disorders Trauma PTSD Addiction Stress Mental Health Drugs Alcohol | Christmas & New Year 2019

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347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA
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Book your Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting appointment with Rebecca Jones;
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347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA
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Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York
347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA.
The Empire State of Mind is located in a prime position on Fifth Avenue, directly across the street from the Empire State Building in the heart of New York.
Book your Clinical Hypnotherapy appointment today with Rebecca Jones M.A. (DipPCH)
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Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York
347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA
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Fifth Avenue | New York
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Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York
347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA
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The Empire State of Mind

Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York
347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA.
The Empire State of Mind is located in a prime position on Fifth Avenue, directly across the street from the Empire State Building in the heart of New York.
Book your Clinical Hypnotherapy appointment today with Rebecca Jones M.A. (DipPCH)
Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York

Harley Street | London
Fifth Avenue | New York
Deansgate | Manchester

Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York
347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA.
The Empire State of Mind is located in a prime position on Fifth Avenue, directly across the street from the Empire State Building in the heart of New York.
Book your Clinical Hypnotherapy appointment today with Rebecca Jones M.A. (DipPCH)
Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York

Clinical Hypnotherapy | Consulting | New York
347 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, 10016, USA
Click the link to read 5* Reviews & Testimonials;
Thank you
Harley Street | London
Fifth Avenue | New York
Deansgate | Manchester
Harley Street Therapy Clinic | Harley Street | London W1
Mansion House | Queen Vic St. | London EC4
Milton Hall | Deansgate | Manchester M3
Fifth Ave Therapy Clinic | 347 Fifth Avenue | New York City | USA